I first became aware of the extraordinary keyboard skills of Andreas Staier in the late eighties when I purchased a recording of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos by the incredible group, Musica Antiqua Köln. The harpsichord playing was so out of this world that I immediately went to the cd booklet to see who was playing. Listening to this recording now, I’m struck by the almost operatic qualities Staier brings to the continuo playing. It’s still out of this world!
Staier’s name has stuck with me ever since and as his name became more prominent and he started to release solo recordings, I’d always make a point to take a listen. Regardless of the repertoire, he brings a sensitivity and virtuosity that is always completely appropriate and required of that composer’s milieu.
Bach —
Scarlatti —
Schubert (played on a beautiful sounding Graf fortepiano)
Beethoven —
Andreas Staier is one of our great artists.